السلام عليكم

هذه قائمة اكثر المصطلحات العسكرية انتشارا بالغة الانجليزية

وهي مفيدة


AAM Air-to-Air Missile

AB Air Base

ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center

ACC Air Combat Command

ACM Air Combat Maneuvering

AEW Airborne Early Warning

AFB Air Force Base

AFRC Air Force Reserve Command

AFRES Air Force REServe

AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command

AGM Air-to-Ground Missile

ALAT Aviation Legere de l'Armee de Terre

ALCM Air-Launched Cruise Missile

AMC Air Mobility Command

AMI Aeronautica Militare Italiana

AMRAAM Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

ANG Air National Guard

APACHE Arme Propulsee A Charges Ejectables

APU Auxiliary Power Unit

ARM Anti-Radiation Missile

ARNG ARmy National Guard

ASARS Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System

AShM Anti-Ship Missile

ASM Air-to-Surface Missile

ASMP Air-SolMoyenne Portee

ASRAAM Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile

ASV Anti-Surface Vessel

ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare

ATGM Anti-Tank Guided Missile

ATM Anti-Tank Missile

AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System


BERP British Experimental Rotor Programme

BVR Beyond Visual Range


C2W Command and Control Warfare

C3I Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence

CAF Canadian Armed Forces

CAG Commander, Carrier Air Wing

CAP Combat Air Patrol

CAS Close Air Support

CASEVAC CASualty EVAcuation

CBU Cluster Bomb Unit

CEM Combined Effects Munition

CIS Commonwealth of Independent

COIN COunter-INsurgency

COMINT COMunications INTeligence

CONUS CONtinental United States

CRT Cathode Ray Tube

CTOL Conventional Take-Off and Landing


DLIR Downward-Looking Infra-Red


EAP Experimental Aircraft Programme

ECCM Electronic Counter-Counter Measures

ECM Electronic Counter Measures

ECR Electronic Combat Reconnaissance

EFIS Electronic Flight Instrumentation System

ELINT ELectronic INTelligence

EO Electro-Optical

ESM Electronic Surveillance Measures

ESSS External Stores Support System

EW Electronic Warfare


FAA Fleet Air Arm

FAC Forward Air Control

FAV Fuerza Aerea Venezolana

FBW Fly-By-Wire

FCS Flight Control System

FLIR Forward-Looking Infra-Red

FMRAAM Future Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile

FMS Flight Management System


GPS Global Positioning System


HARM High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile

HDD Head-Down Display

HDU Hose-Drum Unit

HMMWV High-Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle

HOT Haut subsonique Optiquement Teleguide tiere d'un Tube

HOTAS Hands On Throttle And Stick

HUD Head-Up Display


IAF Indian Air Force

IFF Identification, Friend or Foe

IFR In-Flight Refueling

IIR Imaging Infra-Red

INAA Internal Navigation and Attack

INAS Indian Naval Air Station

INS Inertial Navigation System

IOC Initial Operating Capability

IR Infra-Red

IRADS Infra-Red Acquisition and Designation System

IRIAF Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force

IRST Infra-Red Search and Track

ISAR Imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar


J-STARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack

JASDF Japan Air Self-Defense Air Force

JASSM Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile

JDAM Joint Directed Air Munition

JGSDF Japan Ground Self-Defense Force

JMSDF Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force

JSF Joint Strike Fighter

JSOW Joint Stand-Off Weapon

JTIDS Joint Tactical Information


LAMPS Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System

LANTIRN Low-Altitude, Navigation And Targeting by Infra-Red at Night

LASTE Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LERX Leading-Edge Root eXtensions

LGB Laser-Guided Bomb

LII Gromov Flight Institute

LLLTV Low-Light-Level TeleVision

LOCAAS LOw-Cost Anti-Armour Submunition

LOROP LOng-Range Oblique Photography


MAD Magnetic Anomaly Detection

MFD Multi-Function Display

MFI Mnogofunkcionalnij Frontovij Istrebitel (Multirole Tactical Fighter)

MICA Missile d'Interception et de Combat Aerien (Combat and Air-Intercept 

MLU Mid-Life Update

MSIP Multi-Stage Improvement

MTOW Maximum Take-Off Weight


NACES Naval Aircrew Common Ejection

NAS Naval Air Station

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical

NOE Nap Of the Earth

NOTAR NO Tail Rotor

NVG Night Vision Goggles


OCU Operational Conversion Unit

OCU Operational Capability Upgrade

OSF Optronique Secteur Frontale

OTH Over The Horizon


PDLC Day/night (TV/thermal imaging) laser-designation pod produced by 


PGM Precision-Guided Munitions

PLA People's Liberation Army

PLAAF People's Liberation Army Air Force

PLANAF People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force

PLSS Precision Location Strike System

PVO ProtivoVozdushnaja Oborona (Air-Defense)


RAF Royal Air Force

RAM Radar Absorbent Material

RHAW Radar Homing And Warning

RMAF Royal Malaysian Air Force

RNS Russian Naval Ship

RS Reconnaissance Squadron

RWR Radar Warning Receiver


SAC Strategic Air Command

SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

START STrategic Arms Reduction Talks

SAM Surface-to-Air Missile

SAR Search And Rescue

SARH Semi-Active Radar Homing

SATCOM SATtellite COMmunications

SCALP Systeme de Croisiere conventional autonome a longue portee de precission

SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses

SWF Sensor-Fuzed Weapon

SIGINT SIGnals INTeligence

SLAM Stand-off Land Attack Missile

SLAM-ER Stand-off Land Attack Missile-Extended Range

SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar

SMD Stand-off Munitions Dispenser

SOA Special Operations Aviation

SOM Stand-Off Munitions

SRAM Short-Range Attack Missile

SSN Nuclear Attack Submarine

STO Short Take-Off

STOL Short Take-Off and Landing

STOVL Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing


TAC Tactical Air Command

TARPS Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Podded System

TBAP Tiazholij Bombardirovochnij Aviacionij Polk (Heavy bomber aviation 

TERPOM TERrain PROfile Matching

TFR Terrain-Following Radar

TFW Tactical Fighter Wing

TIALD Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designator

TINS Tactical Inertial Navigation System

TOW Tube-launched, Optically-sighted, Wire-guided


UAE United Arab Emirates

UK United Kingdom

UN United Nations

USAF US Air Force

USCG US Coast Guard

USMC US Marine Corps


USNR US Naval Reserve

USSR Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics


VHF Very High Frequency

VIP Very Important Person

VLF Very Low Frequency

VTA Vojenno-Transportnaja Aviacija (Military transport aviation)

VTO Vertical Take-Off

VVS Vojenno Vozdushnije Sili (Air Forces)


WCMD Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser

WVR Within Visual Range